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Business Financing

National Financing

  Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP)

Following the impacts of the pandemics, the European Council created the Next Generation EU, a recovery instrument from which the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism was developed.

The RRP foresees the implementation of a set of reforms and investments aimed at upturning the country's sustained economic growth, organized into 20 Components grouped around three structuring dimensions, Resilience, Climate Transition and Digital Transition.
IAPMEI is responsible for coordinating and/or participating in the following components of the RRP:
  • Component 5: Capitalization and Business Innovation
  • Component 11: Industrial Decabornization
  • Component 16: Companies 4.0


  PT 2030

The program embodies the Partnership Agreement  established between Portugal and the European Commission, setting the main strategic objectives for the implementation (between 2021 and 2027) of the global amount of 24,182 M€, from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), from the European Social Security + (ESF+), the Cohesion Fund, the Just Transition Fund (FTJ) and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (FEAMPA).

Its programming is based on five strategic EU goals: a smarter, greener, more connected, more social, and closer Europe for all citizens.

Portugal 2030 has as its strategic framework within the Portugal 2030 Strategy, approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution nr. 98/2020 and is implemented through 12 programmes:
  • four with a thematic scope – demography, qualifications and inclusion; innovation and digital transition; climate action; sustainability and oceans; 
  • five regionals corresponding to NUTS II on the mainland, two for the autonomous regions and one for technical assistance. In addition there are also the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes.

These programs mobilize all available resources, respecting simplification, transparency, partnership, effectiveness, efficiency and focus on results guidelines.

The   Partnership Agreement also promotes synergies and complementarities with other sources of European funding, safeguarding the risk of double funding.


  Financing Portal

Set out as a part of the Capitalize Program  the online portal showcases public supported financing solutions to help companies, especially SME.

Information on the various financing solutions can be searched according to companie’s  needs investment strategy (growth, expansion, export, capitalization, etc.) and business size or activity.

The different financing solutions involve Mutual Guaranteed Credit, Credit Insurance, Venture Capital, Business Angels, Co-Investment Funds, Real Estate Investment Funds, as well as tax incentives for corporate investment and capitalization.  


European Funding

  Funding & Tenders Portal 

The only gateway for participantes in many EU funding programs.

All calls for proposals of European programs are published in this portal. An overview of funding opportunities provided by the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and NextGenerationEU can be found by title, theme and program or fund, such as: 

Other resources

Portugal2020Framework-(1).png    EntrepreneursGuide.png


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