Entrepreneurship & start up boost
Startup Voucher
Development of idea stage business projects for up to a 12 months’ period for applicants aged between 18 and 35 with the intent to set up their business in one of Portugal's eligible regions (North, Center, Alentejo or NUT II - Lisbon). Projects outside these regions may be allowed if they benefit the afore mentioned regions’ economy.
Incubation Voucher
The program enabled entrepreneurs and startups to hire incubators and their professional services to help develop their business. Support reached up to 5 000 Eur per approved application, allowing entrepreneurs and startups to engage management, marketing, legal, development and financial services. Please note this program is no longer available.
Mentoring Network (NMN)
We support entrepreneurs developing their ideas into business projects, through mentoring made available by the entire entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem resources.
Mentors willing to share their skills and experience help entrepreneurs achieve success. The NMN proposes a connection path but does not set a specific mentoring program. Both mentor and entrepreneur adjust their working method according to the project needs and goals.
Innovation and Competitiveness
These collaborative netwoks (DIHs) work as a one-stop-shop, acting as a gateway to strenghten the innovation ecosystem and result from cooperation between several partners with complementary skills and goals at both national and regional levels. DIHs include specific digital competence centers with the aim of disseminating frontline digital technologies to be adopted particularly by SMEs.
Industrial Permits
A registration with SIR (Responsible Industry System) is required either to establish a new industrial company or when a new business activity is added to an existing industrial company. For support on online services, please find the Espaço Empresa service closest to your location.
IAPMEI joined "idD Portugal Defence" to promote information on the Defense market and on the business opportunities generated therein. Companies interested in this business area must register with the Defense Technological and Industrial Database (BTID), which brings together companies and the National Scientific and Technological System and covers a wide range of areas such as systems engineering, aeronautics, mechanics, electronics and communications, recycling, structures and composites, protective equipment, logistics, clothing and footwear, among others.
In articulation with the Ministry of Economy and Maritime Affairs Office for Strategy and Studies (GEE) IAPMEI follows, monitors and evaluates the activity and compliance of competitiveness clusters, fostering their cooperation and providing information on matters key to their performance as well as promoting the Portuguese Clustering Policy across borders in international networks.
SME Academy
Focused on training, information and awareness-raising activities, our SME Academy brings professional development skills and good business practices to the SME business community. The activities cover a wide range of subjects with a regularly updated schedule.
Joining the trainings courses is free of charge but registration is a requirement. For more information feel free to contact: academia.pme@iapmei.pt
Innovation Scoring
A registered trade mark system set up to diagnose business innovation performance allowing access to a free evaluation by qualified experts. The digital platform allows for companies to monitor the various indicators evolution through a feedback report. Further developed is enabled by the benchmarking module also providing an outlook on best innovation management practices.
i4.0 Diagnosis Tool
The SHIFT2Future initiave aims to support and accelerate companies transition into the 4.0 economy, empowering entrepreneurs with both knowledge and useful tools to face and overcome the new digitalization challenges. Registering with the online website gives access to guidance references, case studies, best practices and other auxiliary tools that increase companies awareness and knowledge and help define an action plan as well as those investments required to increase digital maturity.
Project Assessment Tool
A business tool allowing entrepreneurs and companies to: evaluate and test the profitability of new investments within either a 5 or a 10 year period; support the design of a business idea or investment project; better dialogue and negotiate with stakeholders and financing agents.
Business Recovery
If your company is having trouble meeting payments, in a financial crisis or presents an imminent insolvency scenario, take corrective action before it is too late. The tools bellow can be put to use to balance companies finances.
Financial diagnosis
A tool designed to provide a diagnosis on corporate economic and financial situation.
Early Warning Mechanism (MAP)
The Central Balance Sheet Database provides corporate data reports to develop an early warning system as a key element of preparedness used for detecting crises before damage.
Extrajudicial Company Recovery Scheme (RERE)
An extrajudicial process allowing companies to negotiate with creditors and enter into a corporate restructuring agreement to maintain their business activity.
Extraordinary Business Viability Process (PEVE)
Urgent priority recovery mechanism created to help companies avoid bankrupcy in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.
Special Revitalization Process (PER)
A platform companies in a difficult or imminent insolvency situation can appeal to as an alternative to bankrupcy.
Insolvency and Business Recovery Process (PIRE)
May involve maintaining company's activity (insolvency plan/recovery) or, if recovery is no longer possible, asset liquidation and distribution among creditors.
Business Restructuring Broker (MRE)
Certified professionals providing technical assistance on corporate recovery procedures.
EU Regulation
CE Marking indicates a product meets all requirements set out by EU regulations, ensuring free movement within the single market. IAPMEI prepares and enforces CE Marking regulation regarding electromagnetic compatibility, recreational craft vessels, sound emissions, machinery and construction products.
National Helpdesk

Further information and guidance in English